Tuesday, June 1, 2010

all aboard

There has been much debate about high speed rail in Alberta ... there are multiple reasons why a fast train linking Calgary and Edmonton would be awesome:
  1. the avoidance of gasoline alley in Red Deer;
  2. going there and back in 3 hours instead of 6 makes a work-related day trip that much more palatable;
  3. it's much easier to bb message while sitting on a train seat than it is while driving 130kms an hour with mack trucks speeding by;
  4. the whole reduction of CO2 emissions thing;
  5. going to see shows that can't play in the Saddledome because of the stupid roof (i.e. Justin Timberlake) would be that much easier; and finally,
  6. I love my Edmonton peeps and it would be fun to see them more often.

I'm sure there are other reasons (i.e. integrating the economy, ease of doing business, cool looking trains, etc, etc), but I recently discovered a new, much more important one while travelling from Montreal to Ottawa on the train this past Sunday: there are hot men on trains. Seriously, there were 3 very attractive, age appropriate men in my train car ... gives a whole new meaning to "riding the rails."

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