Friday, July 23, 2010

don't drink the kool-aid

So on Wednesday morning I went for coffee with a man I had met at a work event who was interested in learning more about the organization I work for and how we could potentially find some "synergies" (his word, not mine). Turns out he really wanted to meet so that he could fill me in on his financial advising project, which I'm pretty sure was a pyramid scheme. The very same day, a friend of mine had a similar encounter with a co-worker, who after a meeting asked her if she was single and then upon hearing yes, sent her the following email.

Ms. (Blank)*
Hope your day is going great.

Attached are 2 documents
1) Manifest your ideal mate
2) Manifest your ideal job

You need to be specific on what you want. Don't just say 'I want someone who likes to eat steak' or you could end up with someone who only eats steak. You need to write it like he is already there - Ex: he enjoys the same food as I do, eats healthy and is a great cook (of the foods I enjoy). Be sure to state if you want them to speak English as a first language (if you want) or you could end up with someone that you can't easily talk with.

I seriously believe I built my wife. My list was freakin huge. Toes, feel, legs, personality, hair, teeth, breath, skin, eyes, outlook, family, driving skills, typing skills, travel, language skills, conversation skills, artistic skills, caring, style of clothing, fitness levels, humour, work ethic, education, passion ... all of those items need to be considered. I can help you get started if you want. Additionally, typically what you manifest will materialize within 3 months. So, believe in what you have written.

All the best,

I didn't include the attachments, because I think you get the idea, but seriously - he built his wife? I wonder how she fees about that. And typing skills ... really? This is an important enough quality to write down?

What the eff is up with people trying to invite us into cults under the guise of work ... where are all the normal people?

* I deleted her name to protect her privacy. His name is actually Michael. If you know him, run away. As quickly as humanly possible.

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