So the biggest news of late is that Harper’s second minority parliament has fallen and as a result, we are facing an election in a little over a month. They tell me it’s our 4th in 7 years. They also tell me that most people are fed up with these non-stop elections. Gotta say, I’m actually okay with it, and not only because we all know where my political leanings lie. It’s so easy to fall back on the democracy is a privilege argument, but I’m gonna do it. When you see what’s happening in other parts of the world, you have to be thankful that when a government falls in Canada it’s not because our leader has penchant for violence - instead it’s because his parliamentary colleagues have lost confidence in his government.
Because I am a complete dork, I have created this little diddy in honour of the upcoming campaign and our 41st federal election:
E is for election, our 4th in seven years,
L is for lazy, defined by Harper and his coalition fears.
E is for Elizabeth May, who has no hope in hell,
C is for contempt, which is how Harper fell.
T is for the truth, which is forever being bent.
I is for Iggy, whose support is less than 30 per cent.
O is for offensive, as I’m sure the ads will be, and
N is for the New Democrats who will end up number three.
I recognize it’s not a perfect poem. But as our parliamentary system is not perfect (proportional representation anyone?), I feel it’s apt. I'll try to be more eloquent (like this) as the campaign rolls on, but for now hopefully this attempt at rhyming will suffice.
Incidentally I wrote this while watching the Junos last night. Anyone else watch the opening scene and laugh out loud? Lloyd Robertson playing Call of Duty? Drake and the Biebs serenading each other with "I Will Remember You"? Come on ... Hilarious! Plus Arcade Fire swept the awards. Of course they did, because, as previously discussed, they are awesome!
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