Friday, July 30, 2010
at least he's not wearing a bolo tie
So this rant leads us to the reason for this post ... it would not be wrong to label me a liberal. In fact I might swing even further left. But just because I have liberal leaning tendencies, doesn't mean that I automatically vote Liberal. One time I even voted Conservative (although it was back when they had the Progressive as part of their name ... the dropping of that descriptor back in 2003 should have warned us all of their march to the right ...). I was not a huge Paul Martin fan, thought Dion was ahead of his time (I think that his Green Shift is a policy that will eventually be law ... too bad he was a horrible communicator and the dog named Kyoto was just too much), and I'm unsure how I feel about Ignatieff. They say he is too aloof, too intellectual, and doesn't drink enough Tim Horton's. I don't buy it. Harper has an MA ... sadly it hasn't hurt him. I guess Iggy's handlers thought he should come down from his ivory tower and mingle with the people. Sadly they decided this is how he should do it:
Could be worse ... he could have been dressed like this (sorry, it never gets old).
Monday, July 26, 2010
it's the little things
it's folk music because it's for the folks ...
... a direct quote from Torquil Campbell of Stars, as they played the main stage of the Folk Fest on Thursday night. Love their music - elegant pop is what I call it and they were great. The Avett Brothers were up next and they were awesome too. As was the beer garden.
On Friday afternoon, we hit the side stage to see the workshop with Cooloolossh (Israel), Etran Finatwa (Niger) and Cat Empire (Australia). They all jammed - it was an awesome blend of hip hop, rock, ska, rap, jazz, etc. Everyone was up dancing - this is a pic that CG took as the whole audience got up to dance. Really a great great moment.
Friday night was fun too - until Glen Hansard had a bit of a meltdown and told the audience off when we weren't paying attention. Dude, you play quiet music and it's a festival. Chill the eff out!
One of the best things about the folk fest is the people watching. Sometimes it actually rivals the musical acts when it comes to entertainment. I put the "people" into 4 major categories:
- Dirty hippies (unwashed hair, smelling of incense and often wearing multiple layers of clothing, particularly on their lower half and very little on top)
- Young hipsters (skinny jeans, knit hats, wayfarers or aviators, and ironic floral prints)
- Normal folks (like myself, rolled up jeans, tank tops, whatever sunglasses look best, most often found in beer tent)
- Corporate types (more make-up than normal folks, designer handbags and wandering around like they took a wrong turn somewhere near Joey's.
Of course, this is not a perfect list and there are other sub-categories (dancing children and music snobs being two examples), but you get the point.
This is a good article about what makes the folk fest great. Can't wait 'til next year!
Friday, July 23, 2010
don't drink the kool-aid
Ms. (Blank)*
Hope your day is going great.
Attached are 2 documents
1) Manifest your ideal mate
2) Manifest your ideal job
You need to be specific on what you want. Don't just say 'I want someone who likes to eat steak' or you could end up with someone who only eats steak. You need to write it like he is already there - Ex: he enjoys the same food as I do, eats healthy and is a great cook (of the foods I enjoy). Be sure to state if you want them to speak English as a first language (if you want) or you could end up with someone that you can't easily talk with.
I seriously believe I built my wife. My list was freakin huge. Toes, feel, legs, personality, hair, teeth, breath, skin, eyes, outlook, family, driving skills, typing skills, travel, language skills, conversation skills, artistic skills, caring, style of clothing, fitness levels, humour, work ethic, education, passion ... all of those items need to be considered. I can help you get started if you want. Additionally, typically what you manifest will materialize within 3 months. So, believe in what you have written.
All the best,
I didn't include the attachments, because I think you get the idea, but seriously - he built his wife? I wonder how she fees about that. And typing skills ... really? This is an important enough quality to write down?
What the eff is up with people trying to invite us into cults under the guise of work ... where are all the normal people?
* I deleted her name to protect her privacy. His name is actually Michael. If you know him, run away. As quickly as humanly possible.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I'm a data geek and I'm enraged (and you should be too)
Monday, July 19, 2010
mondays suck
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I'm moving to Cape Cod ...

- You would die seeing Chris's hometown date. He is so cute. Black lab (named Jenny), rainy walk along the beach, beautiful New England house with porch. OMG.
- His brothers and their wives/girlfriends are awesome too. They all love wine.
- How sad he is that his mom isn't around to meet Ali, but how happy she would be to see him happy. His dad cried when they left.
- The way his jeans fit him OMG. And then he kissed her neck. And then he grabbed it and went in for the kiss. Am DYING.
- If she doesn't pick him, her heart is made of stone.
- Will you come visit me when I move to Cape Cod?
1% country music
- Last night we got a male perspective ... let's call him "Cory." He said that a one night stand is all about filling a need. Intent and outcome don't really matter. I think this is why women usually end up feeling bad about themselves after a one night stand ... we always have some sort of expectation, whether the need has been filled or not.
- My friend EM had a slight alteration to the intent being "nine-tenths" of the hook-up. According to her calculations, intent is 90%, alcohol represents 9% and the final 1% of a one night stand is due to the power that is country music.
I'm thinking that this discussion is not over ... stay tuned for more insightul comments about this very important issue.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
one smart fortune cookie

A side note to the one night stand discussion was the hilarity that ensued when one friend chirped in with "my problem is that once I get a guy home, I want to be a good hostess ..." What she said next got lost as we burst into laughter. It's a valid point - our parents did bring us up not to be rude! But of course, now the term "to host" has become dirty. So when I offered to host the next bachelorette viewing party I had to clarify that it would be a "pants on" party.
Friday, July 9, 2010

And so we arrive at the very important question we have been pondering of late - what is the true definition of a one night stand? It seems like it would be a simple answer, but really it's not. Is it a one night stand because it lasted only one night? But what if you stay "friends?" Is it a one night stand if you don't remember their name and never see them again? But what if you have known them for a long time, will inevitably see them again, but it still only lasts one night, because of a variety of exigent circumstances? Or is a one night stand really defined by intent? As in, you intend to see them again, but he is a douche, and so you don't, so that means it's not a one night stand. But if you go into it intending it to only happen once and it only happens once, is that a one-night stand. Regardless of whether or not you know their name? This is what we have landed on. Just like possession is nine-tenths of the law, intention is nine-tenths of a one night stand. The other tenth of course is alcohol. Or maybe it's the other way around?
That said, this time of year is dangerous. All bets are off during Stampede ... men in cowboy hats inevitably look hot and good intentions are as good as gone. Happy Spansede everyone!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
team vienna
- Pedro (aka Roberto): Dancing in the street, really? And then pulling out the line "are we the only people dancing in the street ... I don't care." Again, really? Ali says he might be too good to be true, but I just say he is too much. Plus he has weird eyebrows.
- Frank: Dude lives with his parents. And probably manages an Old Navy. And he sweats a lot. And whines. And he wears a thumb ring (although this is not as bad as Ty's necklace ... bad man-jewelry is apparently an epidemic on this show). Yet she still wants to make out with him a tree. I just don't get it.
- Ty: According to a direct quote from last week "women can be the heads of major corporations." Thanks tips. Did you also know that women have had the right to vote since 1918?
- Kirk: Even though Ali was "off" the whole day, Kirk was still happy. My favourite quote: "look, horses" as their horse-drawn carriage arrived. And then later that night, when she pulled herself together he managed to be both a cornball and sincere all at the same time. He had a great answer to her ridiculous "how do I know I'll be good enough for you in 5 years?" (we get it, you're insecure. enough already). Unlike Pedro, he just sounds like he means it. I don't think he will make it past next week and this saddens me. He's just so great.
- Chris: As much as I like Kirk, I think I need to give it up to the landscaper. I love how ackward he is when talking about his feelings and then how nervous he was as he pulled the bracelet out of his pocket with the words "I wanted to make sure I liked you enough to give it to you." Cause really, it is so ridiculous when the men show up already in love (ahem Casey and Frank) ... this seemed much more genuine.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
May the best men win ...

4) Uruguay ... Andres Scotti and Diego Lugano (I think, there are like 4 Diegos on the team - it gets confusing)

Thursday, July 1, 2010
a beautiful day
- sun
- patio at the Ship
- early ditching of work
- beer
- very tasty chicken sandwich
- a full afternoon with JM and KM, which hasn't happened in a while
- team dating (more on this to follow)
- more sun
- more beer
- good people watching (including a guy with a maori tattoo across his face - random)
- nachos
- the fact that it was the day before an extra long weekend, so while it was only Wednesday, it felt like Friday!